Travel with our local experts in 22 countries : you will be amazed by the beauty and variety of the landscapes, the authenticity of the encounters with welcoming populations and the numerous cultural treasures!

Choose to travel responsibly by having a positive impact on natural environments, populations, local economies and by fully preserving local cultures: it’s a trip in the Indian Ocean organized by Tourismer.


Trust our selected local experts for their experience and their ability to implement authentic journeys.

Discover unique cultural trips and unusual experiences offered by our experts and local agencies, to guarantee you a trip in harmony with the cultures and natural environments you choose, so it’s Tourismer !

Let's preserve this wonderful reservoir of biodiversity, unique in the world!

Indian Ocean is home to just under 40% of the world's coral species. The total number of marine species in the region is not precisely known, but a range of between 11,000 and 20,000 species, or more, is suggested, of which 161 are listed as threatened in this global red list.

The objective of our blog is to inform you about the latest efforts made by the countries of the Indian Ocean to preserve their ecosystem.


Check out our Indian Ocean Travel Blog