​Travel Sri Lanka

Are you a fan of natural settings, vibrant cultures and breathtaking landscapes? A trip to Sri Lanka is the ultimate choice for you! This island in the Indian Ocean, which extends over 65,610 km², is a true jewel of wonders to explore, ranging from the wild coasts of the south to the green peaks of the center, passing through tea plantations, Buddhist temples and national parks.

Go on an adventure to visit must-sees such as the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, one of the holiest places in Buddhism, or go hiking in the mountains to discover tea plantations, hidden waterfalls and traditional villages. Observe wildlife on a jeep safari in the beautiful Yala National Park. Sleep in eco-friendly eco-lodges and enjoy the many activities such as hiking, rafting or diving...


You can also opt for a tailor-made trip to Sri Lanka, experiencing a unique road trip to discover the country's hidden treasures at your own pace. Adapt your itinerary according to your preferences and travel with your private driver through the winding roads and picturesque landscapes of Sri Lanka. Go from unmissable natural, cultural and historical sites to the most confidential. Choose your accommodation according to your preferences, whether it is homestays, guest houses or hotels.

It also means meeting great people with the Sri Lankans, known for their kindness and warm welcome. You will feel at home from the moment you arrive. Finally, the heavenly beaches and crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean will offer you unforgettable moments of relaxation. So, what are you waiting for to go on a trip?

Check out our Indian Ocean Travel Blog

Tourismer: Travel to Sri Lanka: the most beautiful sites of Sri Lanka

    Find on our travel blog Indian Ocean category Sri Lanka the most beautiful spots, local initiatives… and much more!

Le parc national d'Udawalawe abrite des éléphants d'Asie.

Uda Walawe est un parc national bien connu pour les nombreux éléphants qu’il abrite et pour sa proximité avec Colombo…

Sri Lanka : Meilleure randonnée pour les aventuriers dans la montagne Knuckles

Le nom « Knuckles » vient de la forme de ces pics escarpés qui, de loin…

La montagne sacrée du Sri Lanka : Adam's Peak, un trek inoubliable

Le pic d’Adam est situé dans la zone montagneuse centrale du Sri Lanka, à une altitude de 2 243 mètres, et attire chaque année…

Le Sri Lanka trouve l'inspiration culinaire

Le Sri Lanka n’est pas seulement le pays des plages immaculées et du thé peu orthodoxe, mais aussi le pays des currys et du riz savoureux…

Sri Lanka

Cultural treasures Sri Lanka

Often wrongly considered as a simple seaside destination, Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylan, renamed in 1972, has nevertheless managed to preserve an inestimable cultural diversity...


How to travel by train in SriLanka

Traveling by train has many advantages. The train ride is cheap, comfortable, hassle-free and you will pass through spectacular scenery…

knuckles forest Sri Lanka (2)

Knuckles Forest: 2 days of hiking in the Sri Lankan forest

The Manigala Climb Road stretches from Knuckles Conservation Center to Illukkumbura through mountains, plains and parks…

AN Sri Lanka

Harnessing sustainable tourism to restore the Sri Lankan economy

There is no doubt that sustainable tourism can help revive a struggling economy. But what does this mean for communities…