Travel Malaysia

Depart for Malaysia, a jewel of Southeast Asia straddling the waters of the China Sea and the Indian Ocean. This country of contrasts attracts and surprises with its cultural richness and its incredible mix of traditions.

In Penang, let yourself be carried away by the colorful markets and spice stalls. Savor the local cuisine, a tasty fusion of Chinese, Indian and Western flavors. Continue your journey to Kuala Lumpur, a true symbol of Malaysian multiculturalism, where spirituality is omnipresent. Meet the Orang Asli, the ancestral tribe at the origin of the population of the Malaysian peninsula, during your discovery of the Cameron Highlands. Take a break in Belum National Park on the Thai border. With its exceptional biodiversity, it is an enchantment for nature and wildlife lovers.


A trip to Malaysia also offers stunning white sand beaches, secluded coves lined with crystal clear waters, and world-famous diving sites for soaking up the sun in complete privacy.

Malaysia is an exceptional country, an explosion of flavors, a meeting place for the most intrepid adventurers.

A fabulous jewel of Southeast Asia, Malaysia is a dream destination for adventurers thirsting for the magic of the region. With its breathtaking views and dazzling culture, Malaysia promises you an unforgettable trip, filled with strong emotions.

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Malaisie : les Cameron Highlands vert émeraude

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Tourism Malaysia a lancé un programme d'intérêt spécial « Péniche 2023/2024 »

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Malaisie, tortue marine

Malaysia mobilizes to save sea turtles

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Towards green tourism in Malaysia

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Langkawi Malaisie

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Belmond: the legendary train leaves from Singapore for Malaysia

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songket Malaisie

Songket: traditional hand-woven Malaysian fabric

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Trekking in Taman Negara National Park

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