Travel Maldives

Discover memorable moments swimming alongside majestic manta rays during your stay in the most beautiful lagoons of the Maldives. A trip to the Maldives will allow you to combine love, diving and relaxation.

The Maldives is a tropical country in the Indian Ocean made up of 26 ring-shaped atolls comprising more than 1,000 coral islands. They are famous for their beaches, blue lagoons and vast reefs. Malé, the capital, has a busy fish market, restaurants and shops on the main road, Majeedhee Magu, as well as the 17th-century Hukuru Miskiy Mosque (known as the Friday Mosque) made of carved white coral .

Tourism is a major activity in the Maldives, contributing to the country's foreign exchange earnings and a huge employment sector on the island. An ambitious goal: to make Maldivian resorts the next destination for the discerning, self-aware traveler. impact on the natural environment.

Let yourself be seduced by the allure of paradise that the Maldives offer. Where the fish evolve in a kaleidoscope of colors and the waters sparkle with dazzling blues. A trip to the Maldives is ideal for relaxing, recharging and removing yourself from the world.

Explore the underwater wonders during a snorkeling trip, or take advantage of the many water activities on offer. A stay in the Maldives also allows you to appreciate the view of these tiny islands in the heart of the Indian Ocean.

Check out our Indian Ocean Travel Blog

Tourismer: Travel to the Maldives: the most beautiful sites in the Maldives

    Find on our travel blog Indian Ocean category Maldives the most beautiful spots, local initiatives… and much more!


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Male Fish Market: the economic and cultural center of the capital of the Maldives

Male Fish Market: the economic and cultural center of the capital of the Maldives

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