Supported projects

The projects that catch our attention perfectly combine the  four pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental and institutional.

AVSF Madagascar
The Tambatra Project (which means "Together"), which deploys a synergy of activities across a single territory, that of the commune of Fieferana, a rural commune close to Antananarivo, in the Avaradrano district. Conceived as a pilot project, it is intended, if successful, to be implemented on a larger scale.
"Elevages sans frontières" is committed to food security and the autonomy of farming families. The association gives priority to supporting and training vulnerable livestock breeders. The development of livestock farming enables these families to enrich their diet, particularly that of their children, generate regular income, diversify their activities and mitigate the impact of economic and climatic risks.

Farming and sustainable development

Livestock farming ensures the existence and food security of 1.3 billion people in developing countries. To meet a global increase in demand and adapt to changing production and marketing methods, livestock farming faces a major challenge: to increase production volumes while preserving natural resources, the many forms of agriculture and the farmers who depend on them.


Livestock farming territories are varied social constructions, involving multiple stakeholders with their different practices and representations.

"Being a farmer is first a way of being with animals". but "it can also represent a way of being in one's territory, in an enduring and careful relationship to the space. » Pastoralism is the archetypal form of farming rooted in the land, with a powerful symbolism crystallized around the figure of the shepherd, the sheep and the great outdoors.

Promoting livestock products

Livestock products are part of the debate on the relocalization of the economy and food systems. This "territorial turn" in the agricultural and food economy has given particular prominence to quality systems claiming links to origin: Appellations d'Origine Protégée (AOP), Indications Géographiques Protégées (IGP).

 Multiple functions

Livestock farming not only plays a role in food production, but also in energy production through biomass. It plays a major role in the new functions of agriculture, as thecare farming or the social farming . It can have an important role in supporting different types of activities: leisure, tourism, but also entertainment: it sometimes also plays an important cultural and heritage role.