Supported projects

Tourismer : Voyage responsable dans l’Océan Indien pour aider l’agriculture locale et familiale et améliorer les revenus et les conditions de vie

The projects that catch our attention perfectly combine the  four pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental and institutional.

Green Net is a Thai cooperative founded in 1993 by an NGO grouping together organic rice growers with the support of CLARO. Since 2000, the organization has had 2 main branches: Green Net Coop, in charge of the commercial side of the business, and Earth Net Fundation, in charge of support for producer organizations. From the outset, the Green Net network has been a pioneer in the promotion and development of organic agriculture in Thailand, in response to the development of agro-industrial sectors resulting from the "Green Revolution".
The planting of fruit and medicinal trees as well as sustainable agricultural practices help to fight against drought and bring new sources of income to families.

Helping local and family farming

The objective of these initiatives is to support the adaptation of the production systems of small farmers to climate change in the countries and islands of the Indian Ocean, in order to improve the incomes and living conditions of family farming.

Awareness and training

Agroecology covers a diverse set of agricultural techniques and practices. According to all the versions, these methods have the effect of "preserving the soil in the long term and restoring a set of favorable physical, chemical and biological conditions to make it a real agricultural production tool, balanced and sustainable.

Knowledge and sharing of know-how

Agricultural innovations are more likely to solve local problems when they are co-developed through participatory processes:
Relying on producers' ancestral knowledge of agricultural biodiversity and their experience in managing it in specific contexts is essential.

Improving operational capabilities

Produce with sustainable techniques. Adapt production systems to the consequences of global warming at the regional level.
UNDP's analytical framework for capacity development for environmental sustainability takes into account three levels of capacity: the individual, the organization and the enabling environment, which encompasses the political, social, economic, legal and regulatory systems within from which organizations and individuals operate.