Supported projects

Tourisme responsable pour soutenir l’éducation

The projects that catch our attention perfectly combine the  four pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental and institutional.

Baobab Miary Association

Nourishing and caring for bodies, educating minds, solidarity for the children of Miary, a small village near Tuléar, in the southwest of the Big Island, known for its sacred banyan tree, is the strength of the Baobab association. Born more than twenty years ago, it uses all the resources collected for the benefit of a double mission:

  • Eduquer au travers d’une école maternelle et primaire (6 niveaux), dans un pays où l’école maternelle publique n’existe pas, et où l’école primaire publique est plus chère pour les parents que notre structure ; avec trente élèves par classe, nous différons de l’approche malgache où souvent l’effectif tangente la centaine d’élèves ; cela signifie pour Baobab attirer des enseignants loin de la grande ville et améliorer la qualité de leur enseignement par des aides pédagogiques ou des formations continues
  • Caring and feeding in particular thanks to a canteen and a school garden in an area affected by famine and malnutrition: five days a week, children are guaranteed at least one meal. And our educational garden allows them to learn sustainable agriculture techniques, to take classes outside the walls and to diversify their food by consuming their own produce; a morning snack, ophthalmic and dental care, protection against sexual violence complete our commitment to children.
The Association ANAK, Bali
Behind the gentle, welcoming face of this dreamy little island, there's sometimes another reality that the smiles of the Balinese tend too often to make us forget: some families are totally left behind, especially when they're isolated and family solidarity, or Gotong Royong, can no longer function.
The NGO Zazakely
In Madagascar, there are no public kindergartens. Only private establishments welcome 3/6 year olds, and therefore only the wealthiest families have access to them. So that socially disadvantaged children can develop skills adapted to their young age and prepare to enter primary school, the NGO Zazakely has created the Espace Eveil within the Nid de Cigognes. The partnership with the Baldung Grien college in Hoerdt Bas-Rhin enabled the construction of the building and the management of its operation.

Education and sustainable development

Education reduces poverty and contributes to a country's stability. Education enables children to become part of the local socio-economic fabric and to find stable, lasting employment. It stimulates productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

take on the challenges
of theeducation for everyone

This commitmentrequires a major effort in recruitment and training teachers to cope with the workforce growth.

But we also need to find solutions to make school accessible to all: the use of new technologies can be a particularly effective tool, including  for teacher training.

diversify educational pathways
and training

The fact that all students are not at the same level does not mean that some students are not at the level.

Faced with this natural phenomenon, it is necessary to refine methodological and pedagogical responses locally adapted, to meet the needs of education but also "permanent" training for all.

Improve quality
of the education

Improving the quality of education increases the efficiency of the education system.

Promote better education provision, more in line with local expectations, to encourage quality learning and teaching, and thus reduce repetition and drop-out rates.